Brand & Positioning Expert
Podcaster & Storyteller
Brand & Positioning Expert
Podcaster & Storyteller
What's up?
We all have
to prove.
For those of us who choose this path — the daunting, yet exhilarating path of being a creative entrepreneur — it's clear we’re not built like everyone else.
Others think we’re foolish, even a little crazy. But we know better. We're a bunch of driven-dreamers.
We’ve stepped out of the imagined safety of a traditional career. We've set our own direction, taking the risks and claiming the rewards.
And while it's always thrilling at first, when reality sets in we find ourselves alone questioning, why did I think I could pull this off?
It's a question we've all asked. The world's greatest business minds, rockstar athletes, academy award-winning actors — each and every one of us has felt that gripping moment of fear, no matter our past success.

I hope that through the people I profile, the collaborations I'm a part of, and the work we do at my agency, I'll help you unlock your next level.
That's because our world is filled with constant change, overwhelming uncertainty, and people who sit on the sidelines to watch us fail.
It's the doubters, the haters, every person who's ever given you that worried look when you explain your idea, hell, even that little voice in the back of your mind - each of these stack up to allow your fear and doubt to take hold.
They leave you feeling like maybe they know something you don't. Maybe they're right and you're wrong. Maybe you're crazy, but not the right type of crazy everyone admires, just the foolish kind that leaves you sad and penniless.
That's BS of course. And it's time to prove it.
It's time to show to the doubters you're not full of shit. To shut the haters down through bold action. To teach yourself what a badass you really are.
It’s time to prove to the world, and yourself, that you have what it takes to make it happen.

Podcaster &
& Strategist
Husband &
A bit of a
Health Nut
I've got the greatest job in the world. I get paid to make people look good. My agency helps
brands figure out what to say, how to look, and how to make people feel.
I'm the host of We Do Hard Things, a YouTube series and podcast for creative entrepreneurs.
I also had a podcast with my friend Evan Carmichael.
I've got close to 20 years experience in marketing and communications and built a multi-million-dollar creative agency.
Husband to Jacqueline, father to 4. Thanks to the pandemic and the many lockdowns, I've realized that I'm a family man first and business man second.
Most people assume I've been athletic my whole life. Nope.
Watch this and you'll see I only started taking how I look and how I feel about myself seriously in the past few years.

Courage is
what you need.
There's only one you. And it takes courage to go all-in on you.
The courage to trust your gut while also pushing your comfort zone.
The courage to say what others can't or simply won't say.
The courage to see 10x ahead of where you are now, believing that you can make it happen.
Courage is what we admire most from extraordinary people, companies, and brands.
And you build courage by surrounding yourself with extraordinary people. The type of people who force you to raise your standards. The type of people who show you what's possible.
I'm captivated by courageous people. The things they've done. The way they think. And the lesson's they've learned.

Podcasts I’ve been featured on
Years I’ve been an entrepreneur
Guests featured on
We Do Hard Things
Years I've been podcasting
Countries I've produced live events in

"Mark asked me some of the best questions anyone has ever asked me on stage. I'm grateful!"
"Mark's the host who makes your audience FEEL the most."
"If you are looking for an engaging, entertaining, and compassionate host you just found him! I had the honor of sharing the stage with Mark at an incredible event and his energy and kind heart could be felt by every single person in the room!"
“I love what you bring to my events and my community, helping me MC events, run panels, and curate content. You’re absolutely an expert communicator and the way you ask the right questions, pulling the right information out of people creates a massive impact for everyone involved.”
"When you’re creating a one-of-a-kind event, you invest in world-class thought leaders. But to get one-of-a-kind content, you have to pair them up with a world-class host. That's why I turn to Mark. A conversationalist who merges humor and a natural curiosity...making my speakers shine while also giving my audiences far more value than they expected!"

Here's what I know.
When things get tough, when things get hard, when you're not sure you can make your dreams and all of your plans happen - you need to follow 3 simple steps.
#1) You need to think big.
So big that it scares you. So big that you're afraid to share your ideas with anyone because you're terrified they're going to laugh in your face.
#2) You need to be bold.
The type of bold that reveals the real you. The type of bold that gives you the courage to make anything you focus on happen.
#3) You just need to say yes.
Give yourself permission to chase your dreams down. Give yourself permission to try. To win or to learn.
Say yes to the big-thinking you.
Say yes to the bold-acting you.
Say yes to the crazy-gonna-make-it-happen you.
That's my version of an #Extraordinary life.

The YouTube Series & Podcast
The eyebrow raising business & mindset podcast recorded from Mark Drager’s home studio, We Do Hard Things shares untold stories, advice, and the lessons learned from those who have faced fears, taken big risks, and chased down dreams.
With over 3.4 million views on YouTube, 100+ interviews, and the most interesting and inspiring entrepreneurs, athletes, and creatives, it’s a show for the truly ambitious and creative.